Did you know that when you enter your physical lifetime only a fraction of your true spirit or energy self makes up the 鈥榶ou鈥?that you see in the mirror each day? Your larger self (also known as your higher self) is the culmination of ALL of your experiences across time, the thousands of lifetimes, the experiences in spirit, the whole evolution you as part of Source energy itself.
Rosacea is a common chronic skin disorder that affects people across the world. Rosacea is facial acne is characterized by red and pink patches on the skin, visible broken blood vessels, small red bumps and red cysts. The problem with rosacea is that people don't realize the seriousness of the condition. They mistake it for regular acne or sun burns and continue without any treatments.
I didn鈥檛 start out feeling blue or depressed. I began with a feeling of being out of control and a little nervous. I had been so focused on a personal issue at the time, I was paying little attention to my business. By the time I noticed, I was going broke fast.
Why take the path that leads towards abnormality? Well, for starters, given my albeit very brief description of the normal mental state, do you really want to be normal? But, more to the point, you need to realise certain truths borne out by all the research that I've already mentioned. Anyone - and that includes you - can achieve the extra-ordinary and the exceptional. Anyone - and that, again, includes you, can achieve effortless happiness and success. You do not need to work hard to be a success. You need commitment, vision and belief - if you've got those, no work is difficult, no effort a strain.